Work From Home And Enjoy The Things You Love More!
What if I show you a way to make money
working from home without spending money?
Yes…That’s Right!
A Step by Step Proven System for making money working from home…
Work From Home Data Entry
With Thousands of Companies Just Like These…

Work from Home Jobs
Work from home data entry comes in all shapes and sizes, with many different formats in a wide variety fields like; traditional data entry work, transcriptional, online typist, research data, content and copy writing, article creations, global data entry and so many more. Looking for the right work at home job used to be searching the newspaper classifieds and only finding those get rich quick deals and how you can make thousands stuffing envelopes
Our system is different and I will provide a system for you to make money working from home… Without having to Spend Money!
Get Started Today

Experience the Freedom of Doing Data Entry Work from Home!
The At Home Work Experience for All Residents! Greetings future remote data-entry worker! I want to Introduce a leading work from home program, and I want to take a moment to tell you how I went from being downsized out of my high level corporate job , to making a respectable income from home using a proven system. After 10 years of solid dedication to my company and my career, I suddenly found myself downsized out of a job in the late 90’s.
It’s true what they say, “it isn’t until you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything”, and I was faced with the daunting task of finding my way into another career when most companies were laying off people in droves. “Hire you now?“, they’d say, “We just let 20 go!” After looking down the barrel of my dwindling savings and unemployment, I realized it was time to take control of my future and fail or succeed on my own merits.
It was a stressful period of committing myself to something that may not turn into anything, but long caffeine fueled nights researching the growing global market of the internet, while scratching out what I could from the offers that came my way. In the end I experienced the same frustration as many others, the internet wasn’t just a hotbed of opportunity, it was a veritable pit of scams, MLM schemes, envelope stuffing, and programs that were only there to take your initial investment and run. None of this was going to provide me with the solution I needed to turn my life back around and become successful on my own.
At this time a thought occurred to me, those companies that were laying off data-entry professionals like myself still had those mountains of work I processed each day, and they hadn’t rehired anyone to take care of them. How were they handling this situation? The data-entry wasn’t going to do itself… The next morning I picked up the phone and called some old contacts in HR departments in some of the most important companies in Silicon Valley and across the world. It was exactly what I had suspected, the work still needed to get done, but they had to turn to outsourcing to reduce their costs.
I also discovered another failing, out-sourcing hadn’t really caught on for this kind of work, but it was right there on the horizon. There it was, my opportunity, I’d create an outsource solution that let people work from home, and still kept the companies costs down, and benefited all involved.
You’re At Home Data Entry Career
I began working feverishly to put together a work from home data-entry outsourcing program, and it took very little time for me to realize that this industry had greater potential than I anticipated. The amount of work coming quickly outstripped my initial expectations, and I teamed up with Steven Case a hardcore Internet data engineer caught in the same debacle and started hiring co-workers who had also been laid off to join this amazing work-at-home opportunity.
With this small team of professionals, we started to build a strategy for the next step of our fledgling companies growth. The opportunity to grow this simple idea into a global industry working with thousands of companies just like the one we had been laid off with was astounding. By the end of our first year we had a well laid out blueprint to build a powerful outsourcing machine, all we needed now, was bodies.
And that’s where you come in.

We Created A Global Data Entry
Work From Home Empire!
This program exploded as soon as it hit the internet, with job seekers from all over taking hold of the meteoric rise of the outsourcing industry. This program has the potential to change your life, just as it’s done for the thousands of people that are currently earning a living from the comfort of their own home, and doing better than many of them had in the jobs that had let them go. Think just how much $300-$1000 dollars a day could change everything for you, just as it has for some of the people who’ve taken this opportunity.
Comprehensive Training Program:
One Step at a Time
We knew that for people to be successful, they had to have a solid set of training protocols that would help them achieve the kind of success we’d seen from others. While it isn’t complicated, the step-by-step instructions make sure that you have everything well in hand for your new Work from Home Programs. Our innovative and intuitive design let’s you start making an income while you’re still going through a training program complete with all the software, tools, and resources you need to get started. Even better, none of these resources will cost you a single penny, and it all comes with support from me and our team to help you succeed.
Simple Jobs with Great Potential
The task you’ll be performing is incredibly simple; you simply set up an administrative account to keep track of your assigned tasks and income, and proceed to select a company from the 40,000 plus work-from-home-jobs available. Once selected, you’ll receive a pay code link from the company, and I’ll make it clear how easy it is to post the pay code link to get paid.
Steady Income Growth
Posts can be completed in as few as 15 minutes, and often can provide hundreds of dollars of income for that simple task, meaning dedicating just 60 minutes a day to this new work at home job can generate a sizable amount of income. There’s nothing easier than this, you take the job, you create the post, the more you post, the bigger the pay-off!
- Traditional Data Entry 25%
- Article Content Jobs 55%
- Research Data 78%
- Global Data Entry 96%
The Work-From-Home Revolution is here!
This program is put together in such a way that even new team members can benefit from this rapidly expanding job opportunity. We had quickly figured out that most of the so called ‘work-from-home opportunities’ were in fact scams set up to divorce job seekers from their money, rather than provide a legitimate form of income. Was it any wonder that many of those that came looking to join us were so skeptical?
Within the next few years, companies providing work-at-home opportunities as an outsource solution for all forms of tasks will become the norm. Before the field gets glutted, it’s time to get in and get experience as an authority with a respected reputation in the work-at-home industry. This isn’t going to be a flash in the pan, online employment is starting to come into its own, and those who don’t get on board will get left behind.
This job is simple, turning basic tasks into a nearly autopilot situation, all while turning a respectable $300 plus of income per day, and all from your home office chair.
3 Steps to Work from Home Data Entry!
You can get started today, even if you have no experience performing this kind of work. You’ll be provided with all the tools and training you need to get started in this simple step-by-step system.
It’s an incredibly simple process; you take a project, input a short piece of data, and post them to the places I provide for you. Once that’s done, you press the enter key, and voila, you’re done! It doesn’t get any simpler than that!
The more you do, the higher your potential income, and with this program there’s no guess work, by following my simple step by step program, you’ll know everything necessary to take advantage of this work at home data-entry job system. Once the training is complete, you’ll be up and running within the hour!
Working from home has never been better…
Even better, you can do this work on your own schedule, if you’re an early bird or a night owl, you’ll be able to start and stop when it’s most convenient for you. Location isn’t an obstacle either, you can do this work from home, or on the road, or from a sunny beach in Malibu while taking in the rays. All along the way, you’ll be receiving regular tips and updates from me on how to make sure your new career is a success. When it comes time to receive your pay, it’ll all funnel into your pay administrative account on the 1st and 15th of the month.
Our growing catalogue currently contains over 40,000 companies from all areas of business, including health, culture, home & society, software, e-commerce, employment, IT and so much more. These are all companies that have had to lay off significant portions of their workforce, but still need their data entry work to get done. So why should you not be the one to provide it? You’ll never have to pay for a job, just like any employer, they’re here to pay you for your time and efforts.
Even better, these companies are rated to let you know which ones are the most reliable, and which will provide you with the best paying work.
This program has the potential to change your life, the income possibilities are endless, and I’ll guide you along the path to making money by providing data for companies online. Once the data gets to the company, it can make you money over and over again, so even when you’re away from your keyboard you’ll be making money, imagine coming home to find you’ve made a living wage on work you’ve already done. The end result is ultimately up to you and your ambition.
As an independent contractor, we won’t be taking any of your hard earned money. We leave it to you to report your earnings by getting out a 1099 at the end of year detailing all the income you’ve provided.
While it is indeed easy, it’s not effort free. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort to turn this into a solid income opportunity, but if you’re committed to putting in a few hours a week to inserting data that will pay you again and again, we want you to join us!
Actual Work at Home Contractors Earning Solid Income!
To show you that there are others already being successful, I’ve provided pay reports to show you that this is a steady, real, and ongoing source of income for thousands of workers. Don’t miss out on this legitimate opportunity, why keep going in to the office each day, dealing with a dragging commute, and paying for gas just to get to work? Join us and you’ll be free to be your own boss!
As mentioned, all of your pay comes into an administrative account that will track your payments in real time, any time you log in you’ll be able to determine how much you’re making per day, month, week, or year.
You can choose to be paid once or twice a month, depending on which administrative account you choose, these payments will be sent out to you by check, Paypal, direct deposit, or Moneybookers/Skrill for those countries that haven’t jumped on the Paypal bandwagon.
Check your Qualifications Here
Do you qualify to take advantage of this opportunity?
Are you:
- The owner of a computer and have internet access?
- Driven by ambition to reach your goals, and doesn’t give up?
- Able to take just an hour or so a day to type simple text with no deadlines?
- Ready to start working for yourself from home, with no bosses or dress code?
- Tired of clocking in, clocking out, and having your time managed to the minute?
- Capable of following simple step-by-step directions?
- Over 18?
- From any of the 200 countries we serve, all listed below?
Does Your Country Qualify You?
We’ve grown to serve companies all over the world, providing well over 30,000 workers doing work for 40,000 companies in 100 countries. Our workers come from all over the world, from one of any 200 countries, making our Global Company capable of serving a Global Market. The work is performed online through our companies server, making it irrelevant which of 200 countries you’re from, as long as you’re providing solid data, our companies want your work!
We are based out of the United States but have opportunities for over 200 countries worldwide.
Here is a List of Things You DON’T need:
To handle orders or send anything anywhere!
To recruit others to join the program to make money for you!
To post ads that just wind up costing you money!
To meet deadlines, check in to work, or report to a manager!
To spend any money once you’ve signed on!
To be taken advantage by some meaningless and pointless scam!
To bug or commandeer family members
To post Pay Per Click Ads or anything like that
Data Entry Opportunities
The heart of my business and the area I have a solid background in. Dozens of these kinds of opportunities are available to those who join this powerful business program. An effective training program and a free word processor for you to perform your work on, all as a gateway to the unmatched network of work-at-home opportunities available to members!
Even better, I have a bad habit of giving bonuses (my partners are glaring at me as I write this), so you can expect to find multiple bonus opportunities in the member’s area. There are so many types of these that it’s impossible for me to list them all, so I’ll list the top opportunities I provide to those who sign on.
Transcription Data Entry Opportunity
For those who like to transcribe from voice, this opportunity is an excellent choice. You’ll once again be able to take advantage of our unparalleled training program, and have all the software you need to transcribe data for free. This software by itself is a $200 value, and is provided to you as part of the training process.
Data Research Opportunities
If you enjoy digging up information and learning new things, this opportunity is for you, research data entry centers on looking up websites, brands, and products and then providing a detailed analysis in a prescribed format provided by the companies that contract us.
Traditional Data Entry Jobs
Traditional data entry work is by far the most common and probably the most familiar to people who have worked in an office environment. For those who like traditional data entry this part of the program you will also enjoy. Our program will provide full training and opportunities for you along with a free word processing software so you will not have to purchase anything to perform these job tasks.
Content Writing Job Opportunities
Content writing is far and away one of the fastest growing industries in the world, new web-sites pop up every day, and each of them needs well written content provided on a regular basis to remain relevant and properly ranked. I’ll show you proven methods of providing marketable content, no matter what your background is.
eBook Opportunities
Marketing eBooks is a powerful opportunity for those who are clever enough to take advantage of it. Private Label Rights provide enterprising individuals with an opportunity to quickly and easily create their own brand, and the ones we provide are worth well over $1200 for those who sign up!
Other Online Opportunities
We’ve come across some niches of work that can be done online that just don’t quite fit in any given headline. Here you’ll find jobs that aren’t related to data entry, and are sometimes only available to members of our program. These jobs don’t typically require training of any sort, but you just might find to be a great fit.
These are just the bonus opportunities that are available now; more are added every day, all without asking for one additional penny from you. I endeavor to provide my members with the best bonuses and opportunities available online today.
It’s Time To Start Today With A Team Membership Account!
Immediate Membership provides these to you:
Work From Home Data Entry Worldwide Program
Resources – Job – Training – Software
+ Over $1000 in Astounding Opportunities and Programs
+ My Powerful Personal Server Utilizing Secure Dedicated Access
+ A 24/7 work environment with no deadlines, no place to clock in, and no company to commute to
+ A Dedicated Support Staff Member ONE ON ONE SUPPORT

Are You Ready to Make Money Today?
There isn’t a moment to waste; the space for new members is an ever narrowing gap, so jump in with our Work at Home Data Entry Program today! Not everyone who applies will be accepted, and the later you are the less opportunity there will be.
Because I am personally dedicated to your success, and offer a hands on training support program, I have to limit how many I take in at any given time, even with my additional support staff.
Get Instant Access to My Complete Programs
Limited Memberships Available!
No Questions Asked 60 Day Full Money Back Guarantee!
I know your work hard for your money. I know you’re purchasing a membership solely on the promises I’ve laid out to you. I am willing to put my money where my mouth is! If for any reason my Work-at-Home-Data-Entry Program does not work for you… Just let me know within 60 Days of your purchase, and I will promptly refund all your money. No questions asked, No hassles – it’s that simple.
We have LIMITED MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE! and the membership list is almost full!
We’re running a short-term closing opportunity for those who act now:
For a very LIMITED TIME we will REDUCE the cost almost 70% to those motivated to get started now!
That means today our Lifetime Membership fee has been reduced to $27.00
and you will get Lifetime Access! All New Programs Added for 2015
Lifetime Upgrades – This won’t last!
This cost is truly a one-time investment; you’ll never have to spend another dime!
Wait… Why do I have to pay?
These fees cover administrative charges to maintain the staff, our servers, and to ensure that you get the best team member support we can provide. The licensing for the programs I give you are also covered by this fee, and for this small investment you get to enjoy the bonuses mentioned above, over a $1000 value that makes this well worth your time and money!
Our Two Month Guarantee Ensures Your Success!
I’m so certain that those I select will be successful with this program, that I’m offering a full refund for those who can’t make it work for them within the first 60 days. You can even keep all the bonuses! That means you’ve gained $1000 worth of bonuses without any cost to you!
The special 70% discount offer doesn’t have a duration guarantee; it could be gone tomorrow, as soon as we fill the memberships or the deadline is reached, it will end. So get it now!
Even Waiting 10 Minutes Could Shut You Out Of The Best Opportunity On The Web Today!
So whether it’s Noon or 3am, get instant access! It’s time to create your destiny…
By following the link above or below, you’ll be taking the first step to changing everything about what you think about a career. You can make a substantial living from the comfort of your living room or office, with a simple onetime payment via Paypal or Credit/Debit Card.
You do not have to have a PayPal Account. All you need to do to pay by Credit or Debit card is to follow the “Don’t have a Paypal Link” that will appear on the next page.
If you experience any kind of problems with this, simply contact us at
or immediately so you don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime offer!
Featured Work From Home Member Testimonials
I am so happy with this program I wanted to give you guys a big thumbs up! I went into this with the idea that it would not work for me and it most likely will be another one of those opportunities that doesn’t pan out. I was so wrong, this was different than what I expected and your program gave me several directions I could take that would work for me. Thanks again! Susan T. Albany, Ca
When I ordered your training program I was very apprehensive. As soon as I saw how much time was put in to the design of your program, I felt at ease. This program is something I would have never known about until I saw it. I have been searching for legitimate work from home jobs for over two years now. This hands down is the best. Thanks for ending my search.”
Benji N. Costa RicaThank you so much !!!
The worldwide data entry program is awesome, the support team was more than a pleasure. A great, very touching experience for me and my family. I am very satisfied and I ask myself why I waited so long …The service we experienced in India for me was outstanding – I cannot think of any work at home worldwide program which was this perfect and flexible. Your program training is tops!
Animika India